- Aaron Lewis is pure Merica!
By Therealtazman
Love the comment about Springsteen. Get a grip! Springsteen sold out years ago!! Hasn’t had a good album since Born in the USA!!
Aaron is an amazing artist and deserves praise for it!! Keep ‘‘em coming Aaron!!!
- Some of his best
By Upstate Infidel
Aarons passions and beliefs for love of country and patriotism among other things really shows on this album. He is not worried about offending the woke, just tells it like it is.
- Amazing
By Queentrauma
Finally someone who’s not afraid to say and sing about the destruction of the United States by the current administration. He has heart and guts and follows what he believes not the current narrative! Admire his guts and will continue to share his music!! America - you better listen!
- Everybody talk to God
By 1973amy1972
Absolutely beautiful
- All songs are great
By Impeytodd
Doesn’t get any better !
- Snowflakes Crying… lol
By Officer iPhone
This shows his talent, comes out with a 5 star album, in a completely different music genre.
I like the physical taken and the message… but I enjoy the liberal tears the most.
- Speaks Volumes to those who choose to listen
By jdh2346
I listened to this album in it’s entirety. I loathe Country Music as whole. Listening to this album under the genre of “Outlaw Country” is ludicrous. This is not “outlaw” music. This is real life in the hard working world of our lives. This album was like I got to sit, tell my story to Aaron Lewis himself and he made this amazing album. Saw him perform this album last week with his monologue in between. He is as true American as I have ever met/seen in any venue and flat does not care what anybody says or thinks. His opinion can be extreme, but so is America, extremely lost in core family values. He shows the ignorance of those who sleep under the blanket of freedom some Americans take for granted. Whether it was in our Armed Forces or our first responders. He is a hero to many of us that lived that sacrifice and deal with the demons daily. This album reflects every part of those feelings and the lies we have to tell ourselves everyday as a result. Thank You and you were awesome at Chuckansi Resort and Casino a few weeks back. I was proud we were asked to say the Pledge of Allegiance before the performance. No kneeling in this crowd ….. FAFO
- Aaron’s best album!
By aortaatroa
This is Aaron’s best album! Love the honesty lyrics. I always thought he was a great vocalist but the songwriting here is great as well. Thanks for calling it the way you see it and for bearing your soul! Someone is probably my favorite. Such a beautiful song!
- Aaron Lewis! Love his music!
By kimberpdx
I’ve always loved Staind but discovering him in country- wow- amazing! I listen to this album every single day! Best song- AM I THE ONLY ONE! SO perfect!! Wish he would tour and come to Portland OR!!! “Woke” capital of the world - could use his message!! He is simply the best - his voice is amazing!!
- Love Aaron Lewis
By Ayres53
Aaron Lewis strumming the guitar and singing. Great album.