- Why just two songs????
By Fatemaster2018
I downloaded this album a year ago and i had all of the songs. Then one day, i could only listen to two songs!!! What kind of copyright bamboozle is this!?!
- Disappointed
By aerobbins
This is a fantastic score, but this release is missing large portions of it. Also the sound quality is poor. Apple Music can and should do better.
- Conan Will Not Listen…
By BrokenCylon
So I Listen For Him…
- Unable to listen on Apple Music app
I purchased the whole album today but it won’t download in the app except two tracks. I can listen to it in iTunes but can’t add to my library.
- Missing Tracks
By M.Shadow74
This is why digital makes me so angry. I bought this with 16 tracks, now only 10 are available or, I have to rebuy to get 12 tracks. The score itself is great
- Missing tracks!
By Ralph Monserrat
I am unhappy about paying for music that just vanishes. This is one of the best soundtracks ever and you expect to be able to keep what you pay for, instead of having to buy the whole album, again.. for what, for it to later vanish, also?! This is thieving!
- Where’s the rest of the album??????????
By Mysticalwaters
Only 2 tracks available amd looks like it’s been years apple fix it seriously?!!!
- Sold Separately
By LadyEG
I really wish each track could be sold separately. Though every track is ingenious, I really only want two of them.
- The Original Vinyl Album track list
By WarChild
That is what is on this iTune release.
- Ripped off again
By Emmet-19
I Wish I had read the reviews first. I can’t understand nor forgive the missing tracks from the original CD, which I own. Why not at least disclose one is purchasing a partial soundtrack? No doubt because few would complete their purchase. As a result of this experience, I will NOT BE PURCHASING ANY MORE APPLE MUSIC PRODUCTS!