- No a-fence
Michael looks like tony stark from the movie iron man
- Rap? Really? 😖😖
By jent1978
I didn’t listen to the preview of “Nobody But Me” before I purchased it. I was expecting the radio version- what the heck??!! A rap sequence? Totally ruined the song. I like Michael alone- doesn’t need “help”.
- 💜💜💜
By 💜Maddy💜
Love it 😍
- Awesome
By 🎼MusicMan
This is one of his best albums yet, there are some who may not like rap, I don't care much for it myself, but that's probably why there's the trumpet version, it's not like any of his other albums, but definitely one to get
- Terrible!!
By W2389
Big MB fan - nothing here to enjoy. Glad I was able to sample - would be really ticked if I paid for even one single! What a waste of such a great talent!
- Someday
By Jacob Kennelly
Meghan has such a beautiful voice along with Michael. I listen to this song whenever I need to cheer myself up like before an exam
- Michael Swings
By Id ego and superego
I absolutely love this album. It is full of best songs that make you sing along. My favorite is I Believe You. The music, lyrics snd video are outstanding ! Well worth the money !!
- Nobody like me
By AnaMargarira
Amazing all songs
- Crap
By Yarnface
This is absolute crap. I'm a huge Buble fan but this is embarrassing. It is so obvious that he just wants to be a pop artist. I guess I will stick to good music like home or everything.
- Amazing!!!!
By Qadrth
I love his music. It has an old feel to it.