- Proof
By Dalittlepeanut
This album absolutely destroys anyone who says that dragonforce can't play live
- Great
By Epictrollcreeper
The band has been more organized and well trained this year and last year then they ever had beforehand. Z.P slowed them all down heavily and gave the band a bad look. Now Merc Hudson has come into play, they have put their best foot forward. Definitely worth it. It is larger than live...
- In the Line of Fire
By Ky the Killa
Oh my god! I'm mind blown! This is amazing!!!
By metallifan101
Dforce should rerecord all of their albums with Marcs vocals hes soooooooo much better than ZP!!! This live record proves how good these guys really are!!!!
- Better Than Twilight Dementia. That’s For Sure.
By Name in progress
With DragonForce’s original singer ZP Theart, they had probably the sloppiest live shows ever. I mean even ZP himself sounds like he couldn't care less on Twilight Dementia!!! I will be forever thankful that Marc can fill the void of Theart’s shoes. But along with both him and Gee in the lineup change, DragonForce is changing into a phenomenal band and can be disputably be better than their old selves (Oh boy, I just ticked off a lot of old school DragonForce fans. Sorry!) . And when you Juxtapose this live album with TD, the results are astoundingly better! It also is a bonus to hear some old gems sung by Marc. I don’t know what your new formula is, but whatever it is, keep it up! \m/
- Ps4 > Xbone
By Cassib Wolfff
This album is better than Twilight Dementia (their first live album); the best live album to date.
- That settles that debate
By Crazypyro23
So, as it turns out, Dragonforce is in fact capable of playing their own songs in a live setting. Fans of the band will no doubt love the album and thumb their noses up at the hordes of uncaring nonbelievers. Dragonforce is the same band they have always been with little to no innovation to their sound. They are the AC/DC of easy listening speed/fantasy metal. If you have enjoyed their past works, you'll enjoy this one. If not, this will do nothing to sway you.
- DragonForce's best live performance.
By Stratovariusfanxx
Hands down. Haters would already know by then just how far they've come, and call them "LiveForce" because of just how excellent this live album is. This is easily a must buy, and I hope people would get what I'm saying.
- Masterpiece
By Matt kienitz
This album finally proves Dragonforce's legitimacy. They can play their songs as well as they do on the studio album.