MP3 1. Studio C - Beware of Christmas Carolers
MP3 2. Studio C - Katniss' Song
MP3 3. Studio C - Peeta's Song
MP3 4. Studio C - Two Guys On a Scooter
MP3 5. Studio C - Gale's Song
MP3 6. Studio C - Elevator Romance
MP3 7. Studio C - Drivers License Revoked
MP3 8. Studio C - Love Duet
MP3 9. Studio C - The Crayon Song (Live)
MP3 10. Studio C - Bitin' Necks in the USA
MP3 11. Studio C - Build It Up
MP3 12. Studio C - The 12 Days of Studio C Christ
MP3 13. Studio C - Third Wheel
MP3 14. Studio C - Love Loves Love
MP3 15. Studio C - Harrison: A Hamilton Sequel
MP3 16. Studio C - Hot Mess
MP3 17. Studio C - Auld Lang Syne
MP3 18. Studio C - Creepy Christmas Cousin
MP3 19. Studio C - Jingle Bells
MP3 20. Studio C - Frosty the Stuntman
MP3 21. Studio C - Create With Me a Yuletide Memo
MP3 22. Studio C - Frosty the Stuntman